New National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards about to be released

ndis ndis internal audit Oct 03, 2021

What is NDIS Practice Standard?

The NDIS Practice Standards have developed an essential framework for NDIS service providers to evaluate their performance and to demonstrate how they comply with the NDIS criteria. The NDIS Practice Standards and NDIS code of conduct specify the quality standards to be met by registered NDIS providers to provide support and services to NDIS participants.

The outcomes of the NDIS Practice Standards are included within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Provider Registration and Practice Standards) Rules 2018. A core module and several supplementary modules shape the NDIS Practice Standards.

The Core module covers the following:

  • rights and responsibilities of participants
  • governance and operational management
  • the provision of support, and
  • the support provision environment

The supplementary modules cover the following:

  • High-intensity daily personal activities
  • Specialist behaviour support
  • Implementing behaviour support plans
  • Early childhood supports
  • Specialised support co-ordination, and
  • Specialist disability accommodation.

Each module has the following:

  • a series of high-level, participant-focused outcomes, and
  • for each outcome, quality indicators that auditors will use to assess a provider’s

compliance with the Practice Standards

New National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards about to be released

There will soon be new additions to the Core and also Module 1. 

  • Mealtime Management Practice Standard, providing guidance and ensuring compliance with safe and quality practice by registered NDIS providers in the delivery of mealtime management to people with disability (Schedule 1 – Core Module, Part 5 – Support provision environment).
  • Severe Dysphagia Management Practice Standard, providing guidance and ensuring compliance in relation to safe and quality practice by registered NDIS providers in the delivery of severe dysphagia management to people with disability (Module 1: High Intensity daily personal activities); and
  • Emergency and Disaster Management Practice Standard, to strengthen guidance to NDIS providers on complying with their obligations to ensure the health, wellbeing and safety of the NDIS participants they support during COVID-19, or future emergencies or disasters (Schedule 1 – Core Module, Part 5 – Support provision environment)

 To access updated materials, Click Here

The Practice Standards are in the final consultation stages with state and territory Ministers. Information about transition periods and details of the new Practice Standards, including resources to support their implementation, will be available on the Practice Standards page of the NDIS website in October 2021. The NDIS Commission will hold an information session for interested AQAs about the new NDIS Practice Standards and their intent.


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At core, LMS TRG is a compliance consulting and training organisation that builds and delivers powerful and practical products for people and businesses. Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia with an amazing team of expert auditors, consultants, and entrepreneurs.

Our area of expertise lies in providing training and guidance on compliance with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). We also assist organisations in implementing effective management systems that are tailored to their specific needs and requirements. Our comprehensive approach to compliance training and management systems ensures our clients have the knowledge and tools necessary to meet regulatory requirements and industry standards. We are committed to helping our clients achieve success and maintain a culture of excellence in their operations.

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