ISO and NDIS Blog

Practical Tips for Documenting the NDIS Management Systems

Sep 21, 2020

What needs to be documented?

Are you planning to become a registered NDIS provider and not sure about what needs to be documented? 

NDIS providers are required to present a management system...

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Audit Report & Its Content

Sep 06, 2020

An audit report is a product and outcome of any external or internal audit. Audit reports are the result of an evaluation against a set of criteria. The report indicates how the audited...

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The Six Most Common Mistakes Made by New NDIS Providers

Aug 15, 2020
PROBONO Australia has published LMS TRG’s article about 6 common mistakes made by new NDIS providers.

LMS TRG highlights common mistakes made by new NDIS providers. In this article, we...

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Things to Avoid When Writing the Audit Report

Jul 12, 2020

Auditing is about the evaluation of systems and frameworks. It is not an inspection! It is a health check which could indicate areas for improvement. Auditors have to assess the health of an...

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NDIS Audit Process & Audit Findings

Jun 24, 2020

Many NDIS providers going for an external audit wonder what will happen if the auditors find something wrong in the audit. What will be the consequences? Will they stop the audit? Will they refuse...

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NDIS Certification Audit VS NDIS Verification Audit

Jun 19, 2020

This post outlines the differences between verification and certification audits for NDIS providers under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) requirements.

To register as...

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Benefits of Being Audited by NDIS Approved Quality Auditors

Jun 13, 2020

AQA's play an important role in the NDIS. People and service providers applying to the Commission to become a registered NDIS provider must first be assessed by an Approved Quality Auditor. This is...

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How to Start an NDIS Business?

Jun 08, 2020

Starting your own business can be exciting and rewarding. With the introduction of the NDIS, there are even more reasons to start a meaningful business to help people with disabilities and enjoy...

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The Importance of NDIS Internal Audits

May 31, 2020

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service providers must implement and document an internal audit program. There is no way to avoid it. It is part of the requirements for providing NDIS...

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