ISO and NDIS Blog

Are You Ready For Your NDIS Audit? Do You Know Your Rights And Responsibilities?

Aug 29, 2021

PROBONO Australia has published LMS TRG’s article about the auditee's rights and responsibilities and how to get audit-ready.

Several things have to be done to become ready for the NDIS...

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Seven Commonly Asked Questions About ISO 9001

Jul 29, 2021

The underlying principles of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems should help organizations to improve the way they do things. Take the wrong implementation approach to the requirements, and...

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Getting Ready For Your Audit - 8 Things You Need To Know

Jun 30, 2021

There are several steps to become ready for your external audit, from updating policies and procedures to reviewing single details of each process and practice. Knowing your rights and...

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Seven Commonly Asked Questions About NDIS Internal Audit

May 31, 2021

One of the key requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for disability service providers is to conduct an internal audit. NDIS providers often ask questions about internal...

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Save Money, Achieve Growth and Excellence in your Organisation

May 10, 2021

Keeping up with ever-evolving trends can be challenging as technology continuously develops new learning methodologies, but rest assured, online training ensures that you stay ahead of the game.


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Audit Success Secret of LMS TRG

Apr 21, 2021

Some people see audits as an opportunity for improvement that helps organizations and staff identify potential gaps and focus on their weak points. Others see audits as a process run by an auditor...

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How To Read and Understand Audit Requirements Correctly

Mar 04, 2021

As the definition suggests, auditing is defined as the on-site verification activity, such as inspection or examination, of a process or quality system, to ensure compliance with requirements. The...

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3 Rules to Lead a Stress-Free Audit

Feb 08, 2021

Leading an audit or being an audit team leader is one of the crucial audit skills. Auditors should learn and practice the skills necessary to lead a team and audit in a stress-free way.


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The most common manual handling injuries in the disability services sector

Oct 14, 2020

Manual handling is an activity that many people deal with during their day-to-day activities. It can be as simple as moving items from one place to another when carrying groceries, or it can be a...

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NDIS & ISO Audit Sampling Techniques

Oct 02, 2020

An audit is an assessment against specified criteria. Proper planning is a crucial factor for effective outcomes. While planning, we need to consider certain aspects, such as the availability of...

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